Wednesday, March 17, 2021

today's poem - "exo-capitalism"



quit-thinking commerce

every mighty mouse tiny

house espouse & advertise


We have outlived angry homelands

embraced those followers, fowls

and all those who passed us  

on fish-stairs, the main abounder   

all beneath a summer sun

who’d remember mama and the kids

parades of generations imagined as music

through wisdom turns to stone


Older than these rolled, sleeping hills

a flag stuck in sand is all a person is

who can bring celestial sound at times

despite beggar’s rags


As from far across remote oceans

great expectations and holy cows

expect gurus, oracles, and prophets

instead find glittering idols

which inhabit a simple melody


I wear away, riding a mule

in pursuit of the strange quality

of ever-circling birds


Nature is a smith more sublime

than artisans and artists attempting

artifice and making us sleep -

seeking a shore unfound

cities of gold beyond our ken

from antique gorges to crowded streets

farther and farther away


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