Sunday, March 7, 2021

poem - (in memory of Jack the Parakeet) - "Reading Chaucer and Joyce to Parakeets'


Reading Chaucer and Joyce to Parakeets                                                 


Jack – blue feathered tempest and

            Jorma –  caged friendly flash of green light

                        love to sing songs that go straight

                                    to my heart; (mine to theirs, not so much)


but when I recite Chaucer they rejoice, chirp and sing

I glimpse the trail medieval: Middle English in birdsong

Yet for Finnegans Wake they aver – squawk in loud discord

obvious avian sonic displeasure – modernism

                                                                        may not be for the birds


o, simple things often are

ineluctable,  contrarian

they exist, just Are

(& are not so simple)


is the disparity in accord due to my performance?

they live (Jack and Jorma) much more acoustically than I

I intrude blindly into their milieu and they respond

participants in a phenomenology of sound, music, word


Unlike are we to birds

dull are we not to live and thrive in sound and song and colors streaming

our colors mute, our songs discordant, our minds

clouded, separate

unlikely to know as do they

the jointure of things


perhaps Chaucer’s bird-sense sustains across centuries

or, maybe something even more than that pertains

perhaps mixtures of sound, feeling and magic matter more to parakeets than to me!

or, maybe they just aren’t Irish


birds who sing, birds who also talk

in an emptiness of time un-flying, undying

 birds sing my words alit on my finger

birds and words fly together atwitter


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