So far, as soon as I am moving on to the next portion of my semester schedule, something is already in mind to work on. This time it is the Epic. Having done sonnets and triolets in my first two packets, epic has presented itself for consideration, mainly in Jane Rawlings The Penelopeaia. This book pertains due to its re-gendering of the form, from Epic Male Hero tale, to Female tale; also for its adaptative approach (taking an existing text and adapting it to new use). Adaptation is only part of the compositional strategy of the poet here - sequel,is more to the point. The book has the advantage of having corollary texts, such as Atwoods, Penelopeaid and the new first-ever Odyssey translation by Emily Wilson. These books will inform on the re-gendering project, as will Anne Carson's Orestaia.
Anne Carson as a poet is a secondary topic for this section. I have three of her books to wade into. So far, her poetry seems highly experimental and highly displined - rare.
I have stumbled into a new form in which I will be writing some poetry. I'm calling it the Cyclical (which is more what is in it rather than what it is). Its a 9 to 11 line stanza with a segmented "title" line and echoing end line in each stanza. It is a form dependent on abstraction, recursion and one whose content is reflected in the name of the form. It also has one short line, line 4,5 or 6 and which uses more than one font color. Pretty messy and under development.
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