Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Mythology, Will S, and Triolet madness

1. Myth1ology: at the library I found a 1932 Greek Mythology book that is quite good (the Greek Mythology by Duthie). I was looking for one like my six-year-old grandson, Matthew has. That book has a lot of charts, family trees and so forth. However, this one is quite good, very readable and the author goes God by God from the beginning. I think the topic of Greek mythology has been unapproachable for me because I didn't have an overall structure into which I could add knowledge. This book, I think will give me that. Then I can move on to Ovid, Robert Graves, et al.

2. Measure for Measure is the first late-period Shakespeare play I am reading. I am reading it in the Modern Library 2010 version by Bate and Rasmussen, editors. It has annotations, a good forward and useful essays. So far, so good. This is a play that is imminently relevant in the current #metoo era.

3. Triolet. I am working on a critical essay on the triolet and am working mainly from my own triolet composition. However, Thomas Hardy (late Victorian, early modern) and Patrick Carey (17th C) have much to recommend on the form.

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