Friday, January 12, 2018

3rd day of independent study.

Adjusting to MFA solo activities after the high-pitch of the residency in Vermont. I seem to have seamlessly entered this new phase - it is simplified by the circumstances of 1) no job  2) no classroom courses to manage. I follow my own nose pretty much and hit the five deadlines for 'packets', poetry writing and critical essay writing.  I could do this in my sleep, but am pushing myself as much as possible to up my game in both areas. I have additional writing goals and also have a pretty significant reading list to wade into.

My first packet is Feb 1. So, I'm looking forward to that. I am tip-toeing into aesthetics reading (and thinking) and working extensively with my journal. I am three days in. Pretty good. Really getting some mileage out of Edna St Vincent Millay.

Reading List  

  1. Ovid – Metamorphoses, Robert Graves Mythology
  2. King James Bible
  3. Aeschylus – the Oresteia
  4. Catullus – the Poems
  5. Chaucer – Poems (other than Canterbury Tales
  6. Sonnets – Sir Phillip Sidney, Shakespeare, Edna Millay: Collected Sonnets, Petrarch, others
  7. French Poetry (French Symbolists and others)
  8. Ai: Vice: Selected Poems
  9. Kay Ryan
  10. Annie Dillard: the Writing Life
  11. A.R. Ammons: Garbage
  12. Terrance Hayes: How to be Drawn
  13. Richard Hugo: Triggering Town
  14. Larry Levis: Selected Poems
  15. Philip Levine: The Simple Truth
  16. C.K. Williams: Tar
  17. Max Jacob: Selected Poems
  18. Nicano Parrar: Poems and Anti-Poems
  19. Ada Limon: Bright Bad Things
  20. Amy Clampitt: Selected Poems
  21. Natalie Diaz: When My Brother Was an Aztec
  22. Donald Justice: Collected Peoms
  23. Alberto Rios
  24. Juan Felipe Herrera
  25. Gary Soto: Collected Poems
  26. Etheridge Wright: The Essential
  27. Charles Wright
  28. Garrett Hongo
  29. Victoria Chang: Barbie Chang
  30. William Stafford: 100 Essential Poems
  31. Carolina Ebeid
  32. Kelli Anne Noftle
  33. Amy Lawless
  34. Carol Ann Duffy
  35. Douglas Kearney
  36. Major Jackson

Aesthetics, Poetics

  1. Aristotle Poetics
  2. Critical Writings: Apollinaire
  3. Heidegger
  4. Derek Attridge (Meter and Rhythm, Quantitative Verse)
  5. Babette Deutcsh: Poetry Handbook
  6. Mary Oliver: Poetry Handbook
  7. Ron Padgett: Handbook of Poetic Forms
  8. Jane Hirschfield: Nine Gates (Entering the Mind of Poetry)
  9. Best: Cognitive Psychology

One of today's draft poems:  Winterfall, shattered sky

Let winter find me if it will
wind snow ice
miles of white horizon
gray sky black-edged clouds

Let winter pursue round and around
your silvering senses blocked
to ice-cannon you to a legibility
you were aftering in laughter
where the emptiness is filling up

Let me find winter in my eyes
goggle-clad searching lens-like
thing-unknown thoroughfare time
blurring white sibilant mist
things transformed silent

You do see things not there, really
air phantasms arcing invisibly invincibly
your ancient visions of paradise
suddenly splintering vertically
will you note that you know not
deifications as they pause
and I think you and I know
the nature of things not churning
as snow kingdoms slowly fall
shards filling skies straightening
icily lofting our practical sheets
like a waved blanket over a bed

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