Wednesday, August 18, 2021

one hundred years of solitaire - today's poem

one hundred years of solitaire


I am here to count pigeons in the park

that makes 221 straight losses

but I just can’t defeat myself, I know


Once in 1960 I won two straight games

without any fast shuffles or sleights

It’s odd that the odds are so against me


33 pigeons now are seeking after crumbs

12 have wandered off pure indifferent

isn’t that just spud-wonderful?


Ducks on the pond; another game lost

Only 13 cards moved up, 13 free pigeons

return to gobble wobble over the walks


Clevenger and I played Hearts, Spades, Rum

but when he moved to Kokomo I had to switch

back to old Sol and to my pigeon inventory


So it’s not worth playing against myself

if I cheat myself - it wouldn’t ever end

but make bad worry and unrest on my mind


Enough bad things in one short life happen

hidden within my heart’s walls enclosed

without adding trouble by petty conniving


Years roll human and wildlife filled by

summer and winter weather, strolls, echoes

me, my games tatting along park seasons




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