Saturday, May 22, 2021

today's poem - "crud bums"

crud bums

in olden times crud bums

slept off drunks in filth

were everywhere you looked

rail yards, park benches

doorways, alleys, sidewalks


we figured they were worthless

not really human per se

crud bums with no purpose

just flouncing about

getting drunk, smelling bad

eyes unfocused faces unshaven

named Willie or Boots or Clem

some mothers’ sons

come to naught


back then drugs were expensive

so they hit Night Train instead

slept out in the cold

unknown what philosophy was followed

abandoned and forgotten men

asking money for soup, yeah soup

on skid row in springtime

the ghetto for crud bums

everyday on my way train to college

winos and those unfortunate otherwise

pretending hunger not thirst


What kind of turmoil behind these eyes

rimmed in red hid from my realities

tannins oozing from their pores

threadbare histories of dust coat colors

inside the swirling churn of bummery

all the self-evident truth I couldn’t see

seasoned rapidly in wayward icy wind

subconscious or fully awake in mind

yet I didn’t realize I could also be

one susceptible to human extremity

the vagaries lodged within us all

young, untried but susceptible to fall

as time’s fixtures dissolve in specks

in four alarm fires, explosions, train wrecks



Snow rain and adversity swirl down  

In wracking pain

physical emotional spiritual existential

lice and vermin

dreams of serpents, rats, and bats

only a priest’s kind word or sympathetic cop

a social worker full of human empathy

ever provide balm things happening a dime at a time

in minute by minute pursuit of fate and faith

a rapture of nothingness

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